From above the arctic circle in Norway, but I'm half Indonesian. God knows how my mother got all the way from the equator up there...
CWG: What’s the most unusual project you’ve worked on?
We made a feature about a reality show that went on in space. Fifteen people that were in a space ship in orbit around the earth. The ones who got voted out got frozen down in a coffin. As we did this project, we had a scene of everyone coming out of the space ship in the end with all of the fans there.
My friend had made a mistake when she called the media. Our director had almost the same name as a very famous director. And she had accidentaly said the famous director's name. So for the last scene the newpapers and tv stations were there because of that, filming and interwiewing us.
And we never ever actually cleared that up with them, so that director might have had some strange questions coming at him..
CWG: If you could do one thing to make the world a sexier place, what would it be and why?
There is so much focus on the body in this time and everyone thinks they have to fit into a mold.
I would change the world in a way that everyone feels comfortable with their body and aren't afraid to show it.
CWG: What’s your favorite album of all time?
Even though I listen mostly to electronic now, my favorite album of all time would be Bjork's first album. She is an amazing, creative, daring force that nobody can compete with or come close to. A true artist that isn't afraid to express herself.
CWG: What artist are you currently listening to?
Currently, my Ipod's playing mostly Jackson 5 remixes (what happened to that man), MSTRKRFT remixes, lots of electronic music and Flobox.
CWG: What was the worst date you ever went on?
Well... that is probably my most embarrassing moment of my life! I went on a first date with a guy I was into. He took me out in his new ride.
Unfortunately, I had eaten some peanuts that were out of date. And at some point in the ride, we were having a normal conversation, when all of a sudden I burst like a volcano.... projectile vomiting all over the windshield, CD pocket, my purse.. everywhere.
And.. unfortunately, I tried at the last moment to block this with my purse, and it backfired right onto my eye lashes... Now I have to stop talking about this, I'm getting flashbacks...
CWG: Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I smell everything. I will spend 20 minutes in the supermarket smelling laundry softener determining which one I'll get. I love doing laundry because of the smell.
CWG: Favorite place to hang out in L.A.?
Something as simple as having lunch with the girls at Birds. Or Green Door. If not, on the terrace at the house, chilling. Or "Monkey ball" at Venice Beach every Sunday.
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