Monica Ramoneda

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Monica Ramoneda

CWG: Where are you from originally?

I am from Barcelona Spain.

CWG: What’s the most unusual project you’ve worked on?

Recently i have worked in "POLANSKI" Damian Chapa movie from amadeus pictures as Polanski s lover,very interesting film about Roman Polanski.

CWG: If you could do one thing to make the world a sexier place, what would it be and why?

Well there are a lot off things but for example : i like Spain but i would like very much the people stop go to bullfights,so it is very cruel and sad,i love animals because "The bulls are not dragons"only bulls,nice animals i am budist i think it is bad Karma!

CWG: What’s your favorite album of all time?

I have not favorite album.,Sinatra,Dean Martin,i like classics.

CWG: What artist are you currently listening to?

Normally i am listening 80 s pop music,RB and italian opera..

CWG: What was the worst date you ever went on?

When my brother had a terrible car accident,and he had to learn to speak and walk again.

CWG: Favorite place to hang out in L.A.?

Santa Monica beach and Malibu.

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