CWG: What's the most unusual project you've worked on?
A Black Crime Drama called P24/7
CWG: If you could do one thing to make the world a sexier place, what would it be and why?
Ban Cigarettes. The smoke is toxic to people 1st hand/2nd hand, They would look better/feel better, and they would save alot of money which would bring their stress down and enable them to put it towards something better/sexier.
CWG: What artist are you currently listening to?
CWG: What's your favorite album of all time?
Abbey Road - The Beatles
CWG: What was the last band you saw live?
CWG: What was the worst date you ever went on?
Worst date was when I went to a Marine corps centennial ball. My date Nathan had invited me but forgot to get my name in on a list before the list is closed. I got into the event but when he went to ask for a place for me to sit his Sgt. told him "A good marine would stand behind her while she ate and waited."
I felt uncomfortable to sit with his class/unit and have him stand behind like some valet or servant, so we were placed in a spill-over room which made him feel less than a marine and killed our night. Was less than romantic to have to coddle a first line of defense man.
Ladies it's not the uniform that makes the man, but the man that makes the uniform.
CWG: Favorite place to hang out in L.A.?
Paradise Cove, Malibu
CWG: What's your guiltiest pleasure?
Video Games & Comic Books - I'm a freak!!
Follow Sue-Lynn on Twitter @Marvelchic828 ;)
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