I’m originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. A true Cali girl, 100%!
CWG: What's the most unusual project you've worked on?
I typically try to keep my career and related projects on a solid path and direction and avoid anything too unusual, but I have certainly come across some very bizarre offers that I have had to decline! I’d say the most unusual offer was when one guy approached me here in L.A. and asked me if I would model my underarms for an armpit fetish project.
That was one of the most awkward yet amusing conversations I have ever had! I just can’t make myself be comfortable with that kind of work.
CWG: If you could do one thing to make the world a sexier place, what would it be and why?
Personally, I feel one of the sexiest aspects in a person are respect and self-confidence. If I could help all the people in the world be more confident in themselves, respect each other more and respect themselves more, I think the world would be a much more attractive place.
CWG: What artist are you currently listening to?
I have a very eclectic appreciation for music, and am currently listening to MANY artists actually, I just have my iPod on shuffle all the time; I can never just listen to one! Lily Allen has been dominating my speakers lately though, along with Rihanna, Beyonce, Michael Buble, Mudvayne, the Deftones, A Perfect Circle, Sublime and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy! Just to name a few, haha!
CWG: What's your favorite album of all time?
Another very hard question for someone with a music obsession! I would have to say I have always been attached to Mariah Carey’s "Emotions" Album though, which I feel is some of her best work, but I also still favor Aaliyah’s "One In A Million," and No Doubt’s "Tragic Kingdom."
CWG: What was the last band you saw live?
The last show I saw was at a small venue in Hollywood, my friend’s girl group, Nikki 16; a very talented trio of singers/dancers that are definitely on the rise so keep a look out for them. Other than smaller venues and shows, The Mars Volta was the last band I went to see in a large concert amphitheater.
CWG: What was the worst date you ever went on?
I haven’t really dated very much outside my long-term relationship with my high school sweetheart and am generally easy to entertain with just good company and conversation. But there was one occasion I would have to say was the worst date because I didn’t even know it was a date until it was almost over! I thought I was just catching up with an old friend from high school but then he tried to kiss me, it was just so awkward! Needless to say, it ended pretty quickly and we haven’t spoken since.
CWG: Favorite place to hang out in L.A.?
As sad as it sounds, I moved almost 400 miles out here to L.A. to enjoy spending most of my time hanging out at home entertaining friends on my downtime. But occasionally I do like to get out and I love exploring new places and trying out new restaurants, bars and venues. I haven’t really pegged a favorite place just yet, there are many places I really enjoy returning to, but I notice I usually wind up in or around Burbank most of the time. I also really enjoy visiting the Griffith Observatory on a clear night whenever I get a chance.
CWG: What's your guiltiest pleasure?
Good food and dining out is definitely my weakness. I just love to eat and have always had an enormous appetite! It’s dangerous though, especially when you are a recording artist who is trying to watch your figure so I have to be careful! Luckily I am blessed with a very healthy metabolism.
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Sheena, you are beautiful inside and out. I know it because I've known you all of your life. You are Gods gift to society. Good luck my ju ju bee'
Sheena is so well spoken. I especially loved her response to the question about making the world a sexier place. Now here is a raising star that I can support! Beautiful, talented and smart.
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