the united states of america!
CWG: What's the most unusual project you've worked on?
too many, i'll go with the most recent. this past week, my friend erin decided to make a calendar out of photos incorporating her 1987 station wagon (she loves the car, but is about to donate it to charity, so this was a way to say goodbye.)
she had several of her friends direct the various photo shoots. i did one that paid tribute to 'christine,' with dead bodies scattered about, and blood splattered on the wind-shield and smeared on the headlights. i was in another, where erin and i were dressed as zombie hunters, she had a machete and i, an axe. it was awesome, and i look forward to hanging that calendar on my wall.
CWG: If you could do one thing to make the world a sexier place, what would it be and why?
it's a simple three step process,
1) i would eliminate organized religion.
2) teach everyone to love themselves.
3) abolish swimsuits all together.
CWG: What's your favorite album of all time?
saint etienne travel edition 1990 - 2005 (on vinyl, of course.)
CWG: What artist are you currently listening to?
radiohead, dandy warhols, freescha, yo la tengo, mazzy star
CWG: What was the worst date you ever went on?
the date that wouldn't leave:
a few years ago, i met this guy at a friends birthday, we decided to hang out a week or so later. i invited him to my place for dinner (ladies - big mistake to ever invite a guy to your place on the first date, it sends the wrong message.)
i was making a salad for dinner, he thoughtfully brought tomatoes, however tomatoes are the one food item i don't like, tomato sauces are cool, just not cold, nasty tomatoes. during dinner, a song he liked came on and he grabbed me out of my seat to dance, i had a mouthful of lettuce and he had no rhythm. awkward.
we sat back down, he started rubbing my thigh under the table, this made me very uncomfortable, i pulled it away. after dinner we sat on the couch, the pawing continued. i kept scooting away from him, and he kept edging closer to me. i told him that i was tired and going to bed shortly, i had something important to do in the morning, and we should call it a night. i offered to walk him to his car, he then proceeded to tell me that he felt too drunk to drive.
i told him, you're welcome to stay on my couch, but i'm going to bed. during my escape from the living room, he tried to intercept a kiss from me, but got an icy cheek instead. i fled to my bedroom, where i didn't come out until i was sure he'd gone the next morning.
CWG: Favorite place to hang out in L.A.?
my apartment, the lighting is just right, and the music kicks ass!
CWG: What's your guiltiest pleasure?
bryan adams - summer of '69
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