Meriah Nelson

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CWG: Where are you from originally?

Upland, CA.

CWG: What’s the most unusual project you’ve worked on?

Girls And Corpses Magazine. I was modeling with pretend, ugly corpses.

CWG: If you could do one thing to make the world a sexier place, what would it be and why?

Require everyone to exercise and live healthy. This would eliminate so much insecurity which will make more people feel great about their bodies!!

CWG: What’s your favorite album of all time?

That is tough because I love variety! I guess it would have to be Best of The Doors. I love Jim!

CWG: What artist are you currently listening to?

Eddie Vedder and his music he wrote for the soundtrack of "Into The Wild" by Sean Penn! The best movie of the year!!!
CWG: What was the worst date you ever went on?

One that I thought was a meeting but they guy tricked me and acted like it was a date!

CWG: Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Eating french fries from Del Taco, Carls Jr. and McDonalds!!!!

CWG: Favorite place to hang out in L.A.?

Farmer's Market, eating all the food. I also love the Beverly Center and the Grove for shopping! Katana on the Patio too!!

All we have to say about Meriah is: "OW-OW!!" Check her out on the web:

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